May 2018



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SOS-1000 Mile Run for a Cause

Henrico County Senior Firefighter Alex Hall and his friend Thad Meyer will soon be taking on a run of their lifetimes. Starting their journey Memorial Day weekend, the two will embark on a 1,000-mile run stretching the entire Bruce Trail in Ontario, Canada through the Eerie Canalway Trail in New York, all to raise money for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. They have named this journey the SOS (See Our Symptoms) Run.

Thad Meyer (left) and Alex Hall (right) out on a run.
Alex Hall is an avid runner who met Thad over a decade ago while running. Their friendship has been based around the sport ever since. Competing in multiple ultra runs together, they embarked on their first fundraising run after Thad broke his neck in 2015 when he was struck by a car while running. “We wanted to use our talents to do good for other people,” said Hall. In April of 2017, Alex received a call from Thad letting him know that his mom had taken her own life at the age of 72. She had been having some physical health issues, but what the family did not fully realize was the extent of mental health issues that went along with it.

“Just talk to somebody. Ask how they are, just listen and be open,” Hall said. This is one of the messages they are running for. The stigma around mental health issues is one that heavily effects society today, yet is still a subject people are afraid to talk about. “Everyone goes through something, it’s OK to share,” said Hall.

Alex and Thad decided that doing something big and extreme was not only a way to cope with the loss but to raise awareness too. So, 1,000 miles was set as the distance with 25 days to complete it. They have had an outpouring of support from family, friends and co-workers all taking an interest in their endeavor. “The Fire Department has been amazing. They look out for me and know what I am trying to accomplish,” said Hall.

If you would like to support Alex and Thad on their journey you can check out their website or follow them on Facebook. Also, Henrico County offers the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees experiencing personal problems which may affect job performance or an individual’s wellbeing. This service is offered to employees and their family members, so don’t hesitate to reach out and talk to someone today. “It’s a problem that hits close to home. We are here for them.” This message, Hall said, is the biggest message he hopes comes out of the SOS Run.