May 2018



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May calendar on Page 5

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HealthTrip: National Employee Health and Fitness Day

The third Wednesday of every May is known annually as National Employee Health and Fitness Day! This day is meant to promote the benefits of physical movement for employees through workplace health and fitness activities. Henrico has a fitness facility at the Training Center that permanent county employees can utilize; but what many people don’t know is that the Fitness and Wellness staff is dedicated to members having a FUN and MOTIVATING experience when in attendance.

Our goal is for everyone to have a sense of belonging while at the facility, as well as to make positive strides towards establishing and maintaining healthy life habits. Participation in regular physical activity can help improve several areas in your daily life such as:

  1. Lowering the risk of chronic diseases
  2. Improving good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL)
  3. Enhancing your mood
  4. Helping you sleep better

Here's a secret: You don't need a formal health plan to get these benefits! In just a few minutes each day you can positively impact your health. Obtaining health and fitness benefits can be as simple as:

Fitness and Wellness is celebrating National Employee Health and Fitness Day by hosting a two-day FITNESS and FUN event, and we are encouraging everyone to join! Our celebration includes a 'Fitness Challenge' on Wednesday May 16th as well as an adult 'Field Day' on Friday May 18th. To participate you only need to be a member of the fitness center, bring your tennis shoes and water bottle, and engage your childhood competitive nature. For more information, check out our flyer.